Shop Online
For the first time in our 69 years Cavalier Menswear is selling online, so you can now shop for the same quality brands from anywhere in the world.
Products will be forever coming and going, so check back regularly to ensure you don't miss out on that perfect piece!

Opening Hours
Monday to Friday 10am to 5pm
Saturday 10am to 4pm

Private Appointments
We understand social distancing concerns. So during this unusual time, we are offering a private in-store shopping experience for those not so comfortable with shopping while the doors are open.
To arrange an appointment contact Simeon via email: simeon.sparks@cavaliermenswear.com.au
or by mobile on 0422 333 096.

Located at
632 Burke Rd Camberwell

Lets support those who support us!
2020 has been a tough year for a lot of people out there and during times like this it's institutions like Beyond Blue that become even more important. There are 3 million Australian's living with anxiety or depression and Beyond Blue provides support and information to all those who need it.
We have just started a workplace fundraiser in hopes of raising money and awareness for such an important cause. Click the link below and help us reach our fundraising goal!